
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How Journalism has changed from the 20th to the 21st century Research Paper

How Journalism has changed from the 20th to the 21st century - Research Paper Example Fast forward to the 21st century and news reporting has taken a completely new direction as more individuals are becoming aware of the world`s situation with all these events occurring such as catastrophes and political dynamics. It is very evident with more and younger people getting involved in the journalism and mass communication industry. The 24-hour news cycle was introduced to keep people informed of events at all times. Nowadays, there are stations such as CNN (Henderson 259), which solely report any occurrences that might happen. It is good since people are well informed on everything as it happens. However, some reporters share their information without having any facts to backup their claims. This 24-hour news cycle has given rise to institutions such as blogs (Macnamara 249) that deal solely on gossip and slander. They do not care if the readers or viewers believe them or not, their sole priority is making money, and they do not care if the stories they air or publish are damaging to some people. Recently reporters have taken as interest in speculating rather than reporting facts. It is because people want news that will interest them and not sitting on the couch and enduring two to three hours or boring and poorly produced news bulletins. That is why gossip sites and blogs such as TMZ are among the most beloved by the world over because they report both serious events as well as the amusing occurrences. They also encourage anyone with anything to share, can post their stories or videos on their website. This mode of reporting has its advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that people can share their stories with everyone in the world while the downside is that there is no privacy in their reporting and the stories are poorly done since it takes time to verify if the stories told are merely fabrications, speculations or hard, irrefutable facts. Nowadays people are more informed than they were back in the 20th

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