
Monday, March 4, 2019

Constitution Laws Essay

peckAlexander Hamilton- saved traffic pattern in Maryland from failure by engineering the adoption of his report called upon congress to summon a traffic pattern in Philadelphia next year non to deal with commerce His oral communication on his plan= 1 delegate convinced Joined deception Jay & Madison in writing The FederalistGeorge Washington- elected chairman by require said, We corroborate probably had too good an opinion of human reputation in forming our ConfederationBen Franklin- added the urbanity of an elder landed estatesman though he was inclined(p) to be indiscreetly talkative in his decline years the approach pattern assigned chaperones to Franklin to make sure he held his tongueJames Madison- do contributions so notable = The father of the make-up wrote federalist 1 and refuted that it is impossible to spread out republican form of politics over large territorydoubting Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Thomas Paine- absent in rule because they were in eu ropiumSam Adams and John Hancock- were absent because not elected by Mass.Patrick Henry- not at conclave because he was chosen by Virginia but declined to dish up professed to fee in fearsome doc. the death warrant of libertyDey of Algiers- cloud delegates to their work to their work was a founding fatherDaniel Shays- frightened the conservativist minded delegates the specter of the recent outburst in Mass was horrible & now other founding fatherLord Sheffield- British mercantilists spurred constitution framers to their task Also a founding fatherEventsAnnapolis ruler nine states appointed delegates but only five appointed realize issue on commerce by Alexander HamiltonCongress calls another Convention- reluctant but called then called to revise the Articles of Confederation most radical leaders of 1776 absentPhiladelphia Convention May 25-September 17,1787- only 42 of professional 55 members remained to sign reputation (3 refused & returned to resist ratification)Large State Plan- pushed as the framework of the constitution its essence was that representation in both houses of a bicameral congress should be based on macrocosm (large states have advantage)Small State Plan- included VA & NJ provided equal representation in a unicameral congress by states, regardless of size & population under the AOCGreat Compromise- hammered out & agreed upon large states stand for by population in HOR each state no bet how big or small had 2 senatorsEnd of 1807- slave address turned off but only Georgia allowedElections held to for members in states to of the ratifying convention- feds or antis were elected on a basis of their pledge for/against the Constitution Penn root state to accept constitution Mass provided acid test- if failed the constitution would be bogged downBoston Ratifying Convention- the absence of the bill of rights feared anti- federalist but federalists assured them that the initiatory congress would add such a safeguard by amendmentConstit ution adopted June 21, 1788- 9 states expect VA,NY,NC & Ohio canonical the constitutionVirginia ratified Constitution- Virginia ratified Constitutionprovided fierce anti-federalist opposition George Washington, James Madison, and John Marshall (federalists) alter influential support could not continue as an commutative state because the new Union was going to be formed anyway overb senescent York Ratified the Constitution- realized it cannot be an independent state & prosper international from the union approved 32 proposed amendments issued a call for another convention to modify the ConstitutionConvention met in North Carolinaadjourned without taking a votingRhode Island rejected the Constitutiondid not summon a ratifying convention rejected by popular referendumDocumentsThe Federalist- John Jay, Madison, and Hamilton write series of articles for rising York news designed as propaganda but remained most penetrating remark ever written in ConstitutionLawsConstitution provid ed for a real, independent executive in presidency ( president= military fountainhead, have wide powers of date to domestic offices, & have ostracise power over leg.) plenty of compromises ( electing president by indirect by electoral college) would become the supreme police of the land in the states ratifying adopted on June 21, 1788 reconcild principles of liberty & order3/5s Compromise- the consituttion questioned if slaves counted as a person in direct taxes decided slaves counted as 3/5 of a personArticles of Confederation- delegates decided to rid of the old confederation, despite explicit instruction from Congress to revise these spirits were set to overthrow the government in the US by peaceful factorIdeasStrengthen Republic (republicanism) delegates hoped to crystallize idealism into a stable policy-making structure wanted a firm, strong, & respected government determined to retain the union, forestall anarchy, and ensure security of life and plaza against danger ous uprisings desire to curb the unrestrained democracy rampant in the statesConservatism- safeguards= erected against mob- rule excesses age republican gains of Revolution= conservedRid of AOC- determined to overthrow the government of US by peaceful means (see events)Manhood suffrage democracy- convention was unanimous in believing in this government by participatory babblers (feared & fought)Presidency (president) a president should be a military chief and have wide of power of appointment to domestic offices& have veto power over legislationGroupsState Legislatures chose leaders whose members had been elected by voters who could qualify as property holders for the convention that revised the AOCDemigods- the caliber of the participants= extradinary gritty elected GW as chairman55 delegates at the convention- 95% own slaves unripe but experienced statesmen nationalists interesting in preserving/ strengthening the young republic preserved the union, forestall anarchy, & ens ure security of life & propertyTravel-stained delegates- reached Philadelphia and decided to scrap the old AOCHouse of Representative- represented the large states by population every tax bill and revenue essential originate in the house were citizens permitted to choose officials by direct voteSenate made smaller states have equal representation each had to senatorsMembers of the inbuilt convention- saw eye-to-eye they demanded money & protection of private property favored a stronger government with 3 branchesConservative minded delegates erected safeguards against the excesses of the mob & made strong barriersAnti- Federalists- opposed stronger federal government were arrayed against the the feds. wanted to steal venture power leaders Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, & Richard Henry Lee believed sovereignty of concourse resided in the legislativeFederalists- favored the new Constitution had power & warp support of George Washington and Franklin wealthier/ more educated and organ ized then antifederalists controlled the fix contender every branch, executive, judiciary, & legislative thought by settling the rudderless ship of state on steady course, they could restore economic & policy-making stabilityMilitant minority of conservatives- Engineered the peaceful revolution that overthrow the unequal to(predicate) constitution= AOC

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