
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Essay on Escape in The Glass Menagerie -- Glass Menagerie essays

Escape in The chalk Menagerie In Tennessee Williams play, The Glass Menagerie, none of the characters are capable of living in the real world. Laura, Amanda, tomcat and Jim use various methods to escape the brutalities of life. Laura retreats into a world of glass animals and aged(prenominal) gramophone records. Amanda is obsess with living in her past. Tom escapes into his world of verse writing and movies. Jim also reverts to his past and remembers the days when he was a hero. Laura retreats into a world of glass animals and old gramophone records. Even when it appears that Laura is finally overcoming her coyness and hypersensitivity with Jim, she instantly reverts screening to playing the Victrola once he tells her hes engaged. She is unable to treat with the truth so she goes back to her fantasy world of records and glass figurines. Laura asshole only live a brief moment in the real. Amanda is obsessed with her past as she constantly reminds Tom and Laura of that one Su nday afternoon in Blue Mountain when she received s neverthelessteen gentlemen callers (Williams 32). The reader cannot even be surely that this actually happened. However, it is clear that despite its possible falsity, Amanda has come to believe it. She refuses to let in that her daughter is crippled and refers to her handicap as a little defect - scarce noticeable (Williams 45). Only for brief moments does she ever admit that her daughter is crippled and then she resorts back to denial. She doesnt perceive anything realistically. She believes that this gentleman caller, Jim, is going to be the man to rescue Laura and she hasnt even met him yet. She tells Laura when Laura is nervous about the gentleman caller, You couldnt be satisfied with just school term home, whe... ...he major characters in this play are so warped and their lives so distorted and perverted by fantasies that each is left with only mixed-up fragments of what might have been (Davis 205).Works Cited Thompson , Judith J. Tennessee Williams Plays Memory, Myth, and Symbol. New York Peter Land Publishing, Inc., 1987. Davis, Joseph K. Landscapes of the dislocated Mind in Williams The Glass Menagerie. Tennessee Williams A Tribute. Ed. Jac Tharpe. Hattiesburg Heritage Printers, Inc., 1977. 192-206. Scanlan, Tom. Family and Psyche in The Glass Menagerie. Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Glass Menagerie. Ed. R.B. Parker. Englewood Cliffs Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1983. 96-108. Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. Concise Anthology of American Literature. Ed. George McMichael. New York Macmillan Publishing Company, 1985. 2112-2156

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