
When something extraordinary happened, Winston caught a glance of OBrien, who is another employee at The Ministry of Truth and worked with Winston, and he mat a connection. Momentarily he caught OBriens core plainly there was a fraction of a aid when their eye met, and for as long as it took to happen Winston knew- yes, he knew!- that OBrien was thinking the uniform thing as himself. An translucent sum had passed. It was as though their two minds had op ened and the thoughts were period from one ! into the other through their eyes. (17). This quote displays how Winston and OBrien are having the same unmanageable thoughts and that their outlook on life is similar. They both felt the same bearing about Big Brother and the way he ran society. OBrien is the first person, in the novel, that Winston knew that had rebellious thoughts, other than him self. Winston is happy that he finally found someone with the same...If you fatality to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com
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